Friendship rubber 802-40 Mystery III

SKU: 11239

Friendship rubber 802-40 Mystery III
<h2 style="padding-top:20px;">Friendship rubber 802-40 Mystery III</h2>    <p style="padding-top:20px;">Successor of the well-known 802 for offensive short pimple play. The extremely short, conical pimples, in combination with the modern, elastic Mystery III sponge, provide an increase in speed and spin values without sacrificing control. Our special recommendation for offensive players who prefer to use short pips on the forehand to easily draw in the ball and force opponents into errors with the unusual trajectory of the ball. The Friendship rubber 802-40 Mystery III is the perfect companion for table tennis players who prefer an offensive short pimple game. Here are its key features:</p>    <ul>        <li>Designed for offensive short pimple play</li>        <li>Extremely short, conical pimples for aggression and control</li>        <li>Modern, elastic Mystery III sponge for increased speed and spin</li>        <li>Easy ball drawing on the forehand</li>        <li>Creation of unusual trajectories to confuse opponents</li>        <li>Suitable for offensive-minded players</li>    </ul>    <p>The Friendship rubber 802-40 Mystery III offers you the ability to accelerate your attacking shots while maintaining control over the game. The short pimples allow for variable and surprising play, which challenges your opponents and forces errors.With this rubber, you can elevate your table tennis game to a new level and confront your opponents with a perfect blend of speed, spin, and control.</p>
T 89,
K 91,
E 86
